Welcome to Crustianity

Join a divine journey of faith, baked to perfection in the oven of unity and love. Discover Crustianity - the pizza-based religion that nourishes the soul and the palate.

In Crustianity, sharing pizza is more than a meal; it's a divine act of kindness. Our faith calls us to make food available to everyone, promoting a spirit of generosity and community.

Living in a world where hunger exists alongside abundance, Crustians are committed to extending food access. Through events, donations, and simple acts of sharing, we aim to embody our core values and make each meal a step toward a more equitable world.

Who was Cheesus Crust?


Cheesus Crust, the divine pizzaiolo and prophet of Crustianity, shared wisdom through pizza, promoting unity, harmony, and joy in shared meals. His teachings nourished both body and spirit, emphasizing equality, understanding, and generosity. Cheesus symbolizes the power of shared sustenance, bringing us together in the name of pizza.


Ready to take the next step?

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By becoming a member, you'll get exclusive access to:

  • A delicious monthly newsletter, "The Sacred Slice," packed with heavenly pizza recipes, toppings theology, and Cheesus' wisdom.

  • Exclusive discounts and vouchers for your next pizza pilgrimage.

Don't miss out on spreading the love...and the cheese!

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Join our Crustianity newsletter for monthly slices of heavenly updates! Get exclusive early access to blog posts, special discounts, vouchers, and all things pizza and faith intertwined. 🍕✨ Sign up now and stay crusty!

“Pizza is not just food; it’s a metaphor for life. It’s about the unity of disparate ingredients creating something beautiful and fulfilling. It’s about sharing, about coming together around a table to partake in a communal joy.”

— Cheesus Crust, New Crustament, Book 1 Chapter 6