Welcome to Crustianity: Where Faith and Pizza Unite

Discover a Pizza-Based Religion that Celebrates Love, Unity, and the Sacred Art of Pizza Making

In Crustianity, faith, community, and pizza unite to create a unique spiritual experience. Guided by our doughy deity, Cheesus Crust, we find divinity in diversity - like varied pizza toppings, we value and cherish all individuals. Ready for a faith that's as warm and welcoming as a freshly baked pizza? Join our flavorful journey of devotion, dough, and delightful fellowship!

The Bible of Cheesus Crust

The Bible of Cheesus Crust, affectionately known as the Pibble, is the sacred guide to understanding the teachings of Cheesus Crust and the principles of our faith. Just as a well-written recipe guides you in crafting the perfect pizza, the Pibble guides us in the art of living a fulfilling life.

The Pibble is filled with the flavorful wisdom of Cheesus Crust, who imparted his teachings through parables that resonate with the essence of our lives. The Pibble isn't divided into testaments but is a unified whole, much like a perfectly made pizza. It is comprised of 31 "slices" or books, each offering unique insights and teachings of Crustianity.

These books range from the creation of the divine dough, the journey of Cheesus Crust, the establishment of the pizza covenant, accounts from disciples, the wisdom of Cheesus Crust, his selfless sacrifice in the oven for the salvation of all, and the acts of early Crustians.

Through engaging narratives and delicious metaphors, the Pibble teaches us the sacred art of pizza making, the importance of sharing and community, the virtues of patience (like waiting for the dough to rise), and the delicious beauty of diversity.

In every line, every slice, and every parable of this sacred text, you'll discover a reservoir of wisdom, ready to nourish your soul, as a good pizza nourishes your body.

Would you like to dig deeper into our flavorful faith? You can download the Pibble for free and embark on this divine journey

What do We Believe?

We Are One Big Pizza Party

In Crustianity, every individual is an essential topping on the grand pizza of life, adding their unique flavor to the mix. When our time on Earth concludes, we believe that we simply transition to the ultimate party—the eternal pizza feast, where we remain in unity with all who have gone before us.

Pizza Can Bring Humanity Together

Crustianity holds that pizza isn't just food—it's a unifying force. Across cultures and borders, sharing a pizza promotes connection, fosters community, and encourages dialogue. It’s the epitome of fellowship, symbolizing our shared humanity.

We Knead Each Other

In Crustianity, we acknowledge our interdependence. Just like ingredients in a pizza dough, we need each other to rise and realize our full potential. It's through mutual support and cooperation that we create a vibrant, diverse community.

A Slice For All

Every slice of pizza—and every individual—is of equal value. Whether your preference is Margherita, pepperoni, or even pineapple, in the eyes of Cheesus Crust, every pizza and every person is equally beloved and worthy of respect.

Spread The Dough

We believe in spreading the love (and the dough). Our community is dedicated to helping those in need and spreading the joy of pizza to all corners of the world.


  • Crustianity is a deliciously amusing take on the biblical stories you know and love, all served up with a generous topping of cheese and humor. Think of it as a religion for pizza lovers with a sense of humor.

  • The slice of our eye, the cheese to our crust, the main character of Crustianity is Cheesus Crust, the Pizzaiolo of Heaven and Earth.

  • The Pibble is our holy book, a dough-lightful reinterpretation of biblical stories with a pizza-themed twist. Trust us, it’s more gripping than waiting for your pizza delivery on a Friday night.

  • Crustians are encouraged to dress comfortably, preferably in stretchy pants to accommodate for the inevitable pizza bloat. Pizza patterned clothing is always welcomed, and a pizza slice necklace is considered high fashion.

  • Absolutely! In Crustianity, every day is a good day for pizza. However, Orthodox Crustians observe the sacred ritual of Pizza Fridays, when they gather to share and consume a traditional Margherita pizza. Crustolics, on the other hand, celebrate Pizza Fridays with a range of pizzas, championing the diversity of our beloved dish.

  • Of course! There's no formal initiation ceremony... yet. Just grab a slice of pizza, choose your sect - whether you're an Orthodox Crustian or a Crustolic - have a laugh while reading the Pibble, and you're in!

  • The best way to spread the word of Crustianity is to share it with your friends, preferably over a pizza meal. You can also share our website on social media, and don't forget to tag us! #Crustianity

  • No way! In Crustianity, we believe in pizza diversity. Orthodox Crustians may stick with the traditional Margherita, while Crustolics embrace all forms of pizza – thin crust, deep dish, Neapolitan, New York-style, all pizzas are welcome here.

  • Controversial question! Orthodox Crustians might shudder at the thought, adhering to the original toppings. Crustolics, however, champion the freedom of toppings and would welcome the sweet and tangy addition. In the spirit of inclusivity, Crustianity does not discriminate against any toppings. If pineapple on pizza makes you happy, we say go for it.

  • You can get your hands on our saucy merchandise from our online store. Every purchase supports our mission to spread humor and pizza love across the world.